Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Word that Shakes

So hungry to speak a word to you
That bright, like burning flame at night,
Shakes the soul’s foundations,
Removes the falsities, the misconceptions -
That rebuilds your heart upon pillars of verity.

By Samantha Lindholm
Written June 26, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Back to Life

39 women walked from the Western hemisphere's largest abortion clinic in Houston, TX to the Courthouse in Dallas, TX, each woman representing one of the 39 years that abortion has been legal in the United States. Many of the women were post-abortive or survivors of abortion. They prayed for the ending of abortion on their entire journey. When they arrived at the Dallas Courthouse in downtown Dallas, they met with thousands of other women who came to attend a prayer meeting called the Esthercall. On Good Friday, April 6th (also my birthday!), we took communion before the same courthouse where abortion was legalized in the United States, and we asked God to end abortion in this nation.